Harmony Not Conflict
Over the last 5 years memorizing scripture has become part of my daily routine to stay close to God and His Word. It's amazing but there are people who have memorized the entire Bible. To be clear, I'm not one of those people. This week in reviewing Romans 12:16, in my Bible Memory app, I started thinking about the words from this verse, “Be of the same mind towards one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.”
Looking at the first sentence of vs 16. My Bible version uses “same mind” towards one another. Other versions use “harmony”. Both express the personal thoughtfulness of thinking about others and striving for harmony, and unity towards others. This is the way God desires for us to think about everyone we meet and encounter in life. Recall the Words of Jesus, “love your neighbor as yourself”, “love one another.” In contrast, we tend to be of the “same mind” with people that like the same things we do. Look like we do. Talk and act like we do. Grew up in the same neighborhood. Went to the same school. Have the same political affiliation. I’m sure there are many others. Regardless, there is little depth and breadth to this point of view but unfortunately it dominates in the world today and in the past.
The next sentence, "Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble.” This is being high and mighty, prideful, or arrogant. Pride destroys harmony. Pride creates conflict and discord within our community, country, and world. Pride certainly isn’t humble. Pride is a major problem in our world. It creates divisions between us. The devil, our adversary, loves this. He walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. The evil one strives to create divisions, disunity and strife between us here on earth. The world celebrates the pride we have and the differences it creates. Things like being the best, the top of the class, the strongest, the best looking, and the GOAT in whatever we do. Some of this mindset is a good thing, but it creates conflict and division. When we go over the top, are consumed with winning, or being the best, we lose sight of its impact on others. If we are honest, we are all guilty of this. Be humble. Make yourself available to humbling situations. Don’t be arrogant or haughty. Be interested in learning more about everyone we meet. And treat them with respect, dignity and love.
The last sentence of vs 16, “Do not be wise in your own opinion.” Ouch! I know I’m guilty of this. Thinking I actually have all the answers. We are all searching to gain wisdom but with much wisdom comes much grief. Humbly, seek to understand first and then to be understood second or once you have thoughtfully considered the impact to others.
Our objective that is described by Paul is not to create conflict. Unfortunately, our pride and the ways of the world cause us to become puffed up, full of self, and arrogant. The result is conflict between people, societies, nations, and political parties. This goes entirely against what Paul was teaching the Romans and in his other epistles. And certainly goes against the Gospels and the teachings of the Son of God. Luke 6:27-28. This is Jesus speaking. “27 But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
The words in this scripture are words we need to meditate on and pray about. The blessing is we have the ability to change the way people think about us by the way we live out these words in our daily walk. The challenging expectation is for us to change our heart and the way we think. For us to follow the Lord’s example. The Son’s example. Do what’s best for everyone regardless of who they may be. Point people to Christ. Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. And love one another.
Grace, mercy and peace.
Pat Price
The Thunder Rolls
Approximately every minute 6 quarts of blood makes its way throughout the body back to the heart. Therefore our blood flows through a combination of arteries, veins, lungs and back to our heart nearly 100,000 times a day. Bluish almost black deoxygenated blood flows into the heart through the low pressure veins after it has delivered its oxygen load and is on the way back via the lungs to pick up more. Once it's been loaded with oxygen in the lungs and reaches the heart, the heart muscle forcefully pumps it out of the heart into the much higher pressure arterial system delivering now bright red oxygenated blood to all the tissues. The blood gives up its accumulated CO2 in the lungs which we then breathe out and is cleansed of most of its metabolites and waste products when it circulates through the kidneys and the liver, respectively, both of which are highly specialized cleansing and detoxifying filters. It’s a marvel of God’s creation and the body's functionality. When the blood circulation gets interrupted and the body isn't getting rid of the waste and taking oxygen to the cells in our body and especially the the brain, strokes occur. Prompt treatment is critical and can reduce the impact and damage. High blood pressure is the leading cause of strokes. Cancer also increases stroke risk.
Many of those reading this know that I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer in April of 2022. I immediately started chemo and immunotherapy. My body responded well to the chemo and immunotherapy and after 4 rounds and 12 weeks the lung and bone cancer in my body reduced in half as confirmed by a pet scan. This was great news. I was feeling better. My doctor planned to continue the immunotherapy every three weeks and do blood work. We had already made the decision to move to Helotes, Texas. Melinda’s dad and mom, her brother and his wife and their kids live in Helotes. As a result I changed my oncologist to a doctor at the Start Cancer Center in San Antonio. We got settled in September and started getting used to the warmer temperatures. I started walking and hiking with Melinda. At this point my condition level was around 60%. Things progressed well for the first few months but then towards the end of November my blood pressure was starting to run high and I didn’t feel like doing anything physical. My doctors were working with my blood pressure meds but there was a concern that I might have a stroke. Immunotherapy symptoms include high blood pressure. Thankfully Melinda and Cade sheltered me from worrying about this. But they had a list of symptoms to watch out for.
Then on December 14th, I woke up early and went to the bathroom and noticed my balance was not normal. Melinda asked if I was okay. She noticed I struggled to make sense with my words. She got up and walked with me to sit in a chair in our den. She woke up Cade and asked me questions. I don’t remember much other than I struggled to find the words to say. We were worried. Then they took me to the Methodist Urgent ER by our house. The nurses and doctors evaluated me and spent all day running tests. 20 hours later an ambulance transported me to Methodist Hospital in the Medical Center. I spent the next 3 days in the neurological wing. We learned that it was a ministroke or TIA. A TIA is a brief blockage of blood flow to part of the brain, spinal cord or the thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye known as the retina. This blockage may cause temporary stroke-like symptoms. But a TIA generally doesn't damage brain cells or cause permanent disability. These are things that a stroke does. This was a great thing. My symptoms were that my voice was slurred, I struggled to find the right words to say, and my right hand fingers wouldn’t do what I wanted them to do. Honestly, for the first few days, it would take me several minutes to type a simple two-word text message. The thunder was rolling again.
The neurologist at Methodist was great. She was friendly and patient with us. She introduced herself, then began assessing me and the impact of the stroke. One of the first things she did was ask me to close my eyes and hold the first finger of my right hand out extended in front of my face and then touch my noise. I did this and my finger contacted my right ear. I opened my eyes and said “That’s not good!” I tried again with similar results. She did a few other tests while I remained in the bed and then asked me if I would stand up and slowly walk with her. Someone seeing me would think that I had been drinking. She asked for me to place one foot in front of the other. I did this and made it a couple of steps but then lost my balance and stepped off to catch myself, and she said, “What was that?” I told her I lost my balance. She quickly had me lay back down in the bed. Melinda and I were nervously laughing and the doctor was too. She also reviewed a stroke assessment document with me that I struggled to answer.
Then on December 21st I had a pet scan. The next day I had an appointment with my oncologist. He explained that the cancer was back to the size it was when I was diagnosed back in April. This was not good news. It explained why my blood pressure was high and I was so tired. He said we would be doing chemo the next day. He would be evaluating and treating my cancer this time around like a new patient. He explained that since my oncologist in New Mexico had good success and the cancer had decreased he had not modified any of my cancer protocols. He also said he would be sending my blood off to determine if I had a cancer mutation which my other oncologist had done but the results were inconclusive.
The next day I had chemo treatment. My feelings were that we were starting over. This round of chemo treatment was rough. I was nauseous several times. I struggled to recover, slept longer than normal, and had little energy even after several weeks. Before our next appointment with the oncologist Melinda and I compiled questions related to how we might better manage my chemo symptoms and energy level. It was frustrating as my symptoms from the first 4 rounds of chemo were not bad and by the 6th day my energy level would start getting better. The storm was back and my patience and endurance was being tested.
Then on January 11th we met with the oncologist before my scheduled chemo treatment. Melinda and I were waiting in the treatment room and looking over our questions. He entered the office abruptly waving a piece of white paper with a huge smile saying, “You tested positive for the cancer mutation! You are allowed to do the targeted pill treatment. You don’t have to do chemo!” I was confused and didn’t understand. Chemo brain was affecting me. I said, “What does that mean?” He explained it again, that I would not have chemo and would be on pill therapy. Further, that the pill therapy doesn’t have bad symptoms like chemo. The next pet scan would be in 3 months and he expected the cancer to be close to remission by then. In the blink of an eye, we went from being very stressed to beyond joyous. Remission wasn’t something my oncologist talked much about. He explained that we would get a month's supply of the targeted treatment pills in their pharmacy. He also mentioned that they were pricey. In fact, $16k a month, or $86 a pill and I had to take 4 in the morning and 4 in the evening, everyday. Before we left the oncologist office, I noticed a quote on the wall that said, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” This had certainly been one of those moments. The rain and the storm had passed.
Melinda later shared with me that for the 2 nights prior to this appointment with the oncologist, that when I was falling asleep and she was rubbing my back, she prayed a bold prayer asking for the same power of the Holy Spirit that separated the Red Sea, raised Lazarus from the dead, and raised Jesus from the dead, would heal my body of cancer. Melinda’s prayer had been answered. Many of our friends and their friends had also been praying for us. Prayers answered. Prayer matters! God hears our prayers. “If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” John 15:7. Praise God!
I started taking the pills that night. I was still dealing with issues from my stroke and would spend the next month doing therapy with an occupational therapist to help me with my words and my right hand use. Also, for our prescription benefits through Eagle Adventure Camp, we use RX Help Center. I had a call with our benefits manager and she explained that I would need to call RX Help Center, and tell them the medicine I was prescribed and they would search for the best price. I called them and told them the name of the targeted cancer treatment pills. They would need to further research and get back with me but thought they would be able to work directly with the drug manufacturer and get a better price. The next day I received a call back and they told me they were able to get the medicine from the manufacturer, at no cost. Are you kidding me? No cost! Free! More blessings from God raining down!
Roll the clock forward 5 months and two more pet scans. July 6th, we had another appointment with my oncologist to review the latest pet scan and blood work. I was feeling much better and regaining strength and energy. However, I was anxious. I was cautious to get my hopes up because you never know with cancer. Melinda on the other hand was calm and confident I was in remission. We were waiting in the treatment room again. He came in and said “The pet scan was great! You are in remission. Congratulations!” He explained that my tumor markers were normal. Further, he would monitor my tumor markers every six weeks and do a quarterly cat scan to confirm I was still in remission. The circumstance and the suffering had challenged my endurance, character and hope. But by God’s design I had made it through this storm.
I thought about writing about this and some of the good news earlier this year. But it took me a good while to get back to where I could type. By March the therapy helped me fully recover from the ministroke. Later in March I actually was back riding my bike trainer in the house and then on the trail by April. Physical recovery has been slow. But thankfully I have been patient with myself. Which is surprising, I know. Since May I have been back in the gym.
I am grateful for all of your prayers over the last 14 months. I am thankful for Eagle Adventure Camps, the team I work with and the leadership team at Glorieta for their care, love, and patience. I am thankful that Cade was here to help. I feel blessed and grateful that we have family that live close. And my words of gratitude and love are not enough for Melinda, for being by my side throughout this difficult time for both of us. Lastly, I praise God! I praise Him in and through the storms of life.
God planned out our journey long ago. It will have seasons that will bring us great joy and happiness. He loves us. Likewise our journey will have seasons of storms and giants that we will face. He designed these specifically for us. At some point we will take our last breath on this earth. However for believers this is not the end, it is just the beginning. Eternal life we are promised through Jesus' blood and righteousness that is unending.
Even when the storms come we are washed by the water.
Time Is Running Out
Running to stand still again. Speeding up the pace. From 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, then adjust to take it to 3.0. Settling into my pace and stride on the treadmill. Walking on a treadmill along with a number of others this morning at Gold’s Gym. Focused on not becoming part of one of those funny videos on Instagram or TikTok where someone catches someone losing their balance and falls off the treadmill.
I’m listening to NF. Nate Feuerstein. He is a Christian rapper. Mansion is playing. Music brings me great comfort and joy, from classical, contemporary, country, rock, and jazz. The lyrics are real and impactful. NF is a great rapper and certainly knows about coping, fear and suffering.
This morning I have been texting with a few friends; and see a response from one of them and type back. First a several word response. Holding my iphone away from my face and squinting but that doesn’t help, I delete all but one word, since not wearing glasses can be dangerous. Time is flying by this morning as 30 minutes has gone by. Good news, haven’t fallen off yet and I’m holding steady at a 3.0; but a few people are looking at me strangely wondering why this guy was holding his phone at arms length.
There are 8 flat screen TV’s in front of the 15 treadmills stretched across the main room. The TV’s are all playing one of the following non-stop: a Gold’s Gym video, CNN News and Fox News. The Gold’s gym video is pretty funny. There are people doing seemingly impossible athletic things showing off their amazing balance and fitness. I’m not in the video.
On one of the news channels I see something that makes me laugh. There appears to be a caged fight between Mark Zuckenburg and Elon Musk that they are discussing. Dana White, the owner of UFC, looks as though they are serious that the caged fight could occur. Then the news moves on to politics which brings us all such joy (sorry being facetious). It appears that the Governor of Florida is in California campaigning for the presidency and is roasting the current governor of California. The disdain and conflict within a party for making the other person look bad certainly comes out even more when the person is in an opposing party. So much for loving your neighbors and loving your enemies. Perhaps in politics that doesn’t apply? Or maybe even in politics and life?
Then on both CNN and Fox News, they each are giving an update on the story I heard Wednesday for the first time. A sub with 5 passengers on board had set out to explore the Titanic wreckage and since Sunday has been missing. They were headed deep below in the ocean where only a few people have ever gone and experienced. I’m still listening to NF and just seeing what the screens are showing. The five are running out of air. There hasn’t been any contact with them for several days. Doctors and other experts are explaining that you have to have air to breath. And that when you are out of oxygen in the space you dwell you are in trouble. Do they not think we know that? Some of you reading this have experienced not being able to breathe. It is not a good feeling. It definitely is unnerving, stressful and creates a lot of fear. Underwater, in a sub, under pressure, knowing that it is running out of air would be terrifying. I prayed for them.
The news media exists to create fear. It is why people watch it and also I have been glued to the screen before. As though we don’t have enough going on in our lives or already know about; they want us to know about the fears other people are enduring, experiencing, or that may never even happen. The news wants us to look to them for hope and truth. They want us to listen to their voices rather than learn for ourselves and seek to understand the truth. Remember when the news was the news and they just shared news plain and simple with no agendas?
Several hours later, after my workout, conference call, and lunch; I started writing this piece. There has been a news update. The passengers are reported as having died. The company that owns and operates the sub said “They Have Sadly Been Lost.’ Their families and loved ones are devastated. The company, their employees, the Coast Guard, and everyone involved must be exhausted and are grieving. I say another prayer for them, and their families.
The five people were true explorers. It is reported that they had an extreme love for the ocean and protecting it. They were searchers. They had the means and the opportunity to do something most of us will never experience. They may not have known God but God knew them. God bless them, their families and loved ones.
We are all explorers. We are all searching. We are all lost in one way or another. I love exploring and have explored all my life. As a little kid I was a digger and discovered an old dumping ground by the creek behind our house in “Buckhead” outside of Atlanta, GA. I still have many of these bottles that date back to the early 1900s. My sister, thank goodness, put up with her 3 year younger brother, when we would go exploring around our neighborhood woods. We named the various lands we discovered, Bottle Land, Monkey Land and Army Land, as if we were some kind of royalty in our make-believe kingdom. Monkey Land is the only place that needs some explaining. We never saw a monkey but we imagined one might show up some day. Monkey Land was covered in Kudzu. Which is an invasive fast growing vine that is in Georgia that made up the land we titled Monkey Land. In the summer months it grew rapidly and extremely dense. The vines can grow to 4” in diameter upward into the canopy of the trees, the perfect place to play and that monkeys would enjoy. Pretty certain we were the only “monkeys” that played there.
The world is attractive and beautiful. It is like an addictive drug. It will bind us up where we are so busy and worried that major portions of our life pass by leaving us wondering what happened. Time goes by fast but it really goes fast when the world has its fangs in us. We can feel like we are lost and out of control. The explorer in us sets on a path searching. We search for knowledge, money, wisdom, love, companionship, family, fairness, adventure, truth and faith. The list is incomplete but may resonate with the readers. If we would move truth and faith earlier in our assimilation of information and emotions, it would help our hearts and minds with the others. It is because of our fears! Our fears for not being successful. Our fears for not being loved. Our fears of feeling stupid. Our fears for not having a family. Our fears for not being able to do things that others do. Our fears of being around people. Our fears for not fitting in and being different. Our fears of dying.
When the fear of the Lord is the beginning and foundation of our knowledge we can have a peace that the world promises but God actually provides. Search for the truth. Not the truth that we make for ourselves; but the truth, knowledge and peace that comes from knowing Jesus and what he did for us. Jesus died for all of our sins. Old sins, current sins and future sins. He rose from the grave three days later and was seen by others before returning to his father God. Without Jesus we are lost but with Jesus we know the way, the truth and the life; and through him we have a way to God. With Jesus we are not lost in the abyss for eternity. This doesn’t mean it will be easy or that we will not be fearful when we face challenges, difficulties or loss. Rather with our focus on things above, eternal things, things that are not seen that require faith, that we have the hope and peace in believing.
God created the oceans. He created all things and He did it in 6 days. God created the intelligence and science to be able to explore the earth and into the vastness of the space and the depths of the ocean never before believed possible. What people are able to accomplish is amazing. People are always working. God is always working.
The news doesn't control us. People don’t control us. Political parties or their leaders don’t control us. Nations don’t control us. Religions don’t control us. Only God is in control. He holds the reins in his hands. He changes times and seasons. He sets up kings and removes kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals the deep and hidden things. He knows what is in the darkness and the light dwells with him.
Pray that the sub explorers experienced a peace as their time on this earth came to an end. Pray that they believed, knew Jesus, his story and the way. Pray for their loved ones and families that they are comforted and have peace. Pray that many others come to believe and know Jesus.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Patrick Price
Running To Stand Still
One of the best-selling albums of all-time is Joshua Tree by U2. The album came out in 1987 when Ronald Reagan was President and “Platoon” won the best picture award. The album has sold over 25 million copies. When our son was a baby, I would stand with him and rock him around dancing to these songs and lyrics, not understanding the impact they would have on my life. There are many other songs from Joshua Tree that you would likely pick as a personal favorite, such as,“With Or Without You”, “Where The Streets Have No Names”, and “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For”. The 5th track on the album is “Running To Stand Still”. This is my favorite U2 song. We were certainly happy in life however, I needed to do something about where we were going. Something was still missing. I still hadn’t found what I was looking for. I honestly couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to run from the darkness in the night. I was crying without weeping, screaming without raising my voice. I was running to stand still.
This song is about addictions. Things that we know are bad for us but even so we continue to do. We know we need to do something, generally we choose to do nothing. The song's lyrics paint a picture of seeming contradictions. We can be addicted to a long list of things like money, work, drugs, ourselves, and even hurry and busyness. Take a deep breath and let it out. Do it again. We are going to talk about the book of Jonah and the lessons God wants us to learn and apply. When you’re battling giants and especially addictions, we need God. We need a helper, someone to teach us and bring to our remembrance the things that He said to us.
Jonah was a reluctant prophet called by God to proclaim the truth. You may have heard about Jonah – the man swallowed by a great fish. We discover Jonah was someone who runs from God, then runs to God, and finally runs with God (or at least somewhat). It may be hard to admit but we are like Jonah. We don’t know if Jonah ever really got it. This is our chance to be sure we do.
Jonah Runs From God
Jonah was called by God to go to Nineveh and preach that if they don’t change their ways God would destroy them. Jonah jumped on a boat and went in the opposite direction. Jonah didn’t do what God asked him to do. He thought he was invisible to God. God sends a great wind and storm (imagine a Cat 5 hurricane). The sailors and Jonah were learning that God controls all things, even nature to accomplish His will. Only one person on the boat wasn’t worried and he was sleeping down below. The sailors discover the sleeper and they ask his profession and learn that he is a Hebrew and fears the Lord. The sailors asked Jonah what they should do and he said to throw him into the sea and the storm would calm. The men continued to row to land however the storm continued to grow. The sailors prayed to God to not let this man cause them to die. Then they threw Jonah into the sea and it was immediately calm. The men feared God. Then the Lord provided a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish for 3 days and 3 nights.
When God speaks we need to listen and pay attention. God still speaks to us today through His Word, through other people, through prayer, through the Holy Spirit, through circumstances, and through nature. Like Jonah, we may not have listened to God’s voice and been obedient to His request for our lives. Naively we may have thought we were hiding from God, not recognizing we can’t hide from God. Jonah also hated Ninevites. We realize Jonah had a heart problem and a lack of love for others. This is a big problem in our world today. When we hate and disagree with what someone may be doing we too can be guilty of not loving our enemies and not loving our neighbor as Jesus commanded in Matthew 5:43 and Matthew 22:39. We need a life moving towards His Word not away from it. Are you guilty of running away from God and not living out His Word and commands?
Jonah Runs To God
Jonah was in the belly of this large fish for three days and three nights. It must have been overwhelming. Jonah experienced the miracle of God’s grace and sovereignty. He prayed to the Lord for forgiveness from his disobedience and thanksgiving that he was alive. He prayed for deliverance from the depths of the sea and the moorings of the mountains in the sea. The Lord then spoke to the fish and it spit him out on dry land. We learn that neither the fish nor Jonah had control but that God alone is in control.
Being a prophet Jonah modeled his psalm and prayer, from the belly of the fish, after the Book of Psalms. The Psalms were written earlier in history and he would have studied them as a Hebrew student. We learn that while Jonah’s words appear righteous, his actions are not. He doesn’t walk the talk. Ouch! I don’t know about you but I am guilty of that too. We should strive that our actions and words align with the righteousness of God. We see that Jonah was thankful the Lord forgave him but Jonah denied that same forgiveness to the Ninevites. We need a life that is confessing sin rather than empty words of righteousness. Are we guilty of saying righteous things when our actions are not?
Jonah Runs With God
Jonah miraculously finds himself back on dry land and this time he is ready to accept God’s calling. God tells him again to “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and preach to it the message that I tell you.” Jonah went to Nineveh and when he arrived he cried out and said “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.” This is a short sermon. The people of Nineveh and the king repented, prayed to the Lord, and turned from evil and violence. The Ninevites, like the sailors, averted disaster. Nineveh repented and God relented. Praise God! The pity is that it didn't stick to future generations. Nineveh was destroyed by God in 600 b.c. Unfortunately, history would confirm that for at least some, the Ninevites faith was not genuine. Our learning, the task is not over when repentance occurs but only when the following generations have been discipled and believe. It would be a tragedy to experience the grace of God and not tell others about it. Are we guilty of keeping our faith to ourselves? Afraid, not boldly sharing our faith with those we encounter in life. Given the current times, I feel convicted that we are not doing a good job living out and sharing the Gospel message. In Matthew 12:41, Jesus is talking with the scribes and the Pharisees who are asking for a sign, and Jesus says, “The men of Nineveh will rise up in the judgment with this generation and condemn it, because they repented at the preaching of Jonah; and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. The Ninevites heard one short message while the Pharisees heard many sermons directly from Jesus. We need a life committed to sharing the Gospel and teaching future generations. What actions are you taking to help ensure future generations know the Gospel message?
Jonah Runs With God?
Jonah had preached a sermon that was given to him by God and the people believed. Praise God! But we find Jonah was not happy and angry. What pleased God displeased Jonah. Jonah was being self-centered and narrow-minded. Do not let your anger or anxiety erode your trust or faith in the Lord. We learn it is all about Jonah. We can think that God is with us more than others. Jonah had a heart of stone. He failed to understand that God’s grace extends to everyone. Jonah was guilty of bad theology. The application of good biblical theology in the wrong way. When our theology is bad it will lead to despair and anger like Jonah. God attempts to teach Jonah and correct his bad theology. God provides a vine that eases the sun from Jonah’s head and he is grateful. God had now provided wind, a fish, a vine, and finally a worm. Unfortunately, Jonah still needs an attitude adjustment. He did not understand God’s teaching. Jonah has greater concern for his personal comfort than the spiritual well being of Nineveh. In John 13:34, Jesus said, “A new command I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.” And from the Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:13 “Now abide faith, hope and love, these three; but the great of these is love.” We need a life that is concerned about people, not things, and not comfort. What opportunities is God providing you to learn and grow that we are not obeying?
The Lord bless you and keep you.
Pat Price
Something Bad Becomes Good
A few months ago, I was doing my early morning bible reading and as I was thinking about the text I had just read I drifted my eyes over and focused on the side table by my chair where I was sitting in our den. With the help from the light on the table I noticed the initials “A.C.” were expertly carved into the table. I don’t recall if I ever had seen these initials before. See picture included. I thought about the hand carved inscription and the initials and I knew it was from my brother, Alan Chandler. It made me remember and think about him. Alan was 6 years older than me. He committed suicide when I was 6. I miss him greatly. I was the youngest in our family and Alan was the oldest of my siblings. I loved any time I got to spend with him and remember many of those times quite well. But being the youngest I didn’t get to spend as much time as I wish I could have.
As I thought about the initials Alan carved into the small side table many years ago (I would guess over 50 years ago) It made me think about what likely happened when my mother discovered his initials in the side table. As you will see in the picture there are also several carved lines in the side wood of the table. The things kids do when we are bored or get frustrated. I suspect Alan carved these other lines as well but I certainly also was quick to use my pocket knife or even a kitchen knife to carve on things that I shouldn’t (kitchen table which is another piece of furniture we have). I suspect when my mother discovered his initials in the table Alan got in trouble and it was certainly viewed as a bad thing.
Oh the stories wood can tell over the centuries. We have a lot of old furniture that was passed down from my mom and family. I love and cherish each of the furniture pieces we now have. It brings back memories of my childhood. This particular hand carved inscription which was likely viewed by my mother and others reading this post as graffiti or defacing, I viewed as something wonderful. A message from my brother Alan for me many years later. A message that was viewed badly when it was originally discovered, that time changed to a message that I viewed favorably and I love and connected me to this time and to my brother. What a blessing. God can turn all things to good. Sometimes it just takes time. God and time can do miraculous things and erase the bad and turn the bad into good with His help.
I was trying to think of a bible story that would align well with this story. I had to phone a good friend and he quickly reminded me about the story of Joseph and his unlikely rise in Egypt.This story is from Genesis 37 - 50. It is a story many of us may know but is always worth rereading and refreshing our memories with God’s sovereignty and providence revealed throughout time.
Joseph was one of the 12 sons of Jacob where later they each became the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. Joseph was the second youngest with Benjamin being the youngest. His mother was Rachel. Jacob (who is also known as Israel) loved Joseph more than all his other sons. Jacob made him a coat of many colors. This affirmation by Jacob made Joseph’s brothers very jealous and they hated Joseph for it and they didn’t speak nicely to him. Joseph had a dream that contributed to the disdain for him by his brothers that they would bow down to Joseph and that he would reign over them and this included both his father Jacob and his mother Rachel. This made his brothers hate him even more so they plotted against him and wanted to kill him. They took his coat of many colors and cast him into a pit and sold him to the Ishalmites who took him to Egypt to be a slave. Jacob thought Joseph was dead.
God had plans for Joseph and even in his captivity he had great success and prospered rising in Potiphar's household and was trusted by Potiphar and God blessed all that he did. Joseph’s rise and success continued and God made all that he did prosper as he had favor with God who showed mercy and favor in His sight. Later Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams when no one else could and Joseph gives God the credit. Joseph explained the dream that there would be a seven year period of plenty followed by a difficult period of famine which will exhaust all of their plenty but the land will not perish. Pharaoh was pleased with Joseph and put him over his entire house and all his people should be ruled according to Joseph's word. Only Pharaoh and his throne would be greater than Joseph.
During the period of famine Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt to get grain. Joseph recognizes them but they don’t recognize Joseph. Joseph accuses them of being spies and doesn't trust them and asks them to bring their other brother back to him so he can question him. He allows his brothers to return to Cannan and bring back his brother Benjamin before Joseph. The brothers return to Joseph along with Benjamin. At last Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and he says that I am your brother who you sold into slavery in Egypt. Joseph also finds out his father is still alive. Joseph forgives his brothers. They go back to Cannan and tell Jacob that Joseph is still alive and that he is governor over all of Egypt. Jacob wants to go see Joseph and gathers his entire family and descendants and travels to Egypt to see Joseph. God’s plan for Joseph all along was to learn forgiveness and to preserve his family's name. Joseph goes to see Jacob once he is in Goshen and when he does he falls at his father’s neck and cries. Jacob then dies and the family is grieving and his brothers are worried that Joseph will seek retribution for what they did to him many years before. His brothers beg for forgiveness for the wrong they committed against Joseph and are now committed servants to Joseph. Joseph cries and explains to them to not be afraid for he is in the place of God. And says from the scripture in Genesis 50:20 (NKJ), “Do not be afraid, for am I in the place of God? But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”
Joseph's story of being loved the most by his father and hated by his brothers we can see similarities to the story of Jesus Christ. Others conspired against them both and were sold for silver, and condemned even though they were innocent. Christ, the only begotten son of God who was born of a virgin birth, lived a humble and meek life, died for our sins and rose again on the third day and was seen by Peter and then by the 12 and many others. Christ is humbled and exalted by the power of God.
Also, for us as believers, we will face trials and difficult circumstances during our life on earth. These trials and things we endure are not due to our own sinfulness or lack of obedience but rather is God revealing His kingdom plan for us, the called the elect. Philippians 1:6; “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;”
This is a great story of the sovereignty of God and the grace of God along with the importance of forgiveness and faithfulness. Despite being sold into slavery God plan was revealed and God took care of Joseph and therein Joseph was able to preserve his families name and livelihood. Our important takeaways - stay faithful through the trials of life like Joseph did and God will deliver us by His grace. Be humbly watchful for the things of life that may appear to be bad things at one point but with time and God’s help and blessings He later brings about His good. Be sure the lens that we look through is a Christ-like lens that allows us to see light and not darkness. That we learn to be quick to forgive as Christ forgave us by atoning for our sins with His cruel death.
Blessings. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.
Ambassador of Kwan
I love movies and one of my favorites is “Jerry McGuire” with Tom Cruise and Cuba Gooding Jr. I suspect most everyone reading this blog knows the movie but if you don’t I highly recommend watching. The dialog between Jerry McGuire and Rod Tidwell “Mr. Show Me the Money” is great and includes many memorable lines. Here’s how I came up with the title for the website and also what it means to me.
Recall in the movie that Jerry and Rod are having one of their meaningful dialogues. The situation after losing all of his clients, Jerry is trying to hang on to his last client which is Rod Tidwell. Rod had just finished a game and was getting out of the shower and was explaining what he wanted. Rod tells Jerry, “You’ve been talking! You’ve been talking about my contract but what about all these other guys like Jerry Rice and others, they’re making the big money.” This is when Rod drops the word “Kwan”. After hearing the word Jerry responds back to him, “Kwan! That’s a great word. Is that your word?” Rod responds back, “Hell yes that’s my word. It means love, respect, community and the dollar too. The entire package. The Kwan!”
Then later in the movie Jerry is questioning Rod and says “Hey, we are friends right?” And Rod hesitantly says, “Yes we are friends”. Jerry says, “Well if we are friends this is what a friend would say to you. I will tell you why you don’t have your $10 million dollars. You are all head versus heart. Out here you are all about heart but on the field you play with your head. If you want the Kwan you have to start playing with your heart.” Rob responds, “ Jerry, I don't want to be your friend anymore!”
Then roll forward the movie to near the end after Rob played without a contract for the entire year (very risky). Rod finally gets the contract he had been wanting and he is talking on ESPN and doesn’t want to get emotional. Rod is thanking people that helped him get to the contract and then he remembers to thank Jerry. After a long pause, Rod says, “Jerry McGuire! Thanks to him. He is my ambassador of Kwan.”
I am like Jerry McGuire, I loved this word. “The Kwan.” It has always stuck with me since the first time I saw the movie with Melinda. In 1998 we actually moved to Orange County, CA and lived in the same area where this movie was based (Newport Beach). Honestly at this time in my career I was a lot like Rob Tidwell. I made many decisions with my head and not my heart.
Recently I did further research on this word and it is actually spelled “Quan” and means “coin”. During the Zhou dynasty (1122–221 BC) the coin official was an important functionary in charge of currency. Descendants of a coin official adopted the character as their surname. However, another character, meaning ‘all’, pronounced identically, came to be used more often as a surname. When I originally saw the word in an old script back in 2009 it showed the spelling as “Kwan”. As some of you know, back in 2009 I started a blog that lasted for a while but I got busy with work and family and didn't keep updating the site. It was called Seekingkwan.
In my first blog I explained the story like I did above and explained why I chose the word and what was missing in Rod’s incomplete definition of the word kwan. We are all seeking something. Thus “seeking” was the first word that I wanted to use. Certainly love, respect, the dollar and community are important things but Rod was missing one very important thing. The main thing. He was focused on earthly things only. Things that perish. Rod was missing what was promised to us by Jesus who died for all of our sins and if we believe in Him we shall have everlasting life. If we don’t have Jesus we are not starting with the right end in mind. We are not starting on solid ground, we are starting in sinking sand. We need to start thinking about things above with our head and our heart. As our Lord said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37.
My goal for Seekingkwan.com and these stories and dialog we have is to help draw us all nearer and closer to our Lord Jesus Christ. To help us all feel the assurance we have with Christ and that we honestly know and love Him and what He did for us all. We all have stories to tell from our individual life experiences and I hope these stories help you in your daily walk and allow each of us to finish strong in our life no matter the circumstance or situation we endure.
Seekingkwan is all about starting and finishing with the right end in mind. He is the true Ambassador of Kwan.
May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
Not Months But Years
What shocks us? News can be shocking. We hear that there has been another shooting at an elementary school. We hear that the economy is tanking because of inflation. We hear that a group is protesting something that we don’t really understand. And certainly news that you have cancer nonetheless stage IV lung cancer can be rather shocking.
Interesting that after my first visit with an oncologist when he said “not months but years” we were extraordinarily happy and overjoyed. I had been in the hospital for several days twice as they were diagnosing my condition and we knew it was bad. I had been in great health up to the point when I wasn’t. So hearing “not months but years” were joyful words for me and Melinda. Good news is great especially when things may seem dire.
Then rolling the clocks forward after 4 months of chemo and immunotherapy I had a second pet scan which showed cancer in my lungs had decreased by more than 50%. Well it wasn’t gone or eradicated but 50% decrease is still good news right? We and many others had been praying for the lung cancer to be gone. But there was also some other news that was good. They said we are going to take you off of chemo and just do immunotherapy for the next several months. And then do another pet scan to see how treatment is decreasing and holding off the cancer growth.
Continue rolling the clock forward and we moved back to Texas and have a new oncologist who is responsible for my care and treatment. When I asked him the prognosis question after 3 more months of immunotherapy, he said it looks very favorable. Your blood work shows that you should be very successful on immunotherapy. And that 5 years after stage IV lung cancer was possible - where before immunotherapy wasn't.
How do we take good news and bad news? How do we take good circumstances and bad circumstances? It's all about perspective. Our attitude on the first news was elated. We were so happy to hear it wasn’t months. But then when I heard maybe 5 years is best my emotions were more melancholy. I was a bit sad.
Why do circumstances affect our disposition?
The Apostle Paul was great at helping us with simple language to help us understand the complex. And also help us realize and learn how thankful we should be no matter the circumstance or need. Paul certainly understood what it was like to be hungry and to be full. He understood how to have plenty and how to suffer need. Paul learned that he could do all things through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:11-13.
This verse get misquoted often. Athletes love to say this when they are successful. That their success is because of Christ.
The truth is all things we are able to achieve or not achieve are all because of Christ. Same for our suffering or benefiting. It is about the journey. Sometimes along the journey we get shipwrecked, starve and snakebite. Other times we have smooth waters, our stomachs are full and life is easy. Sometimes we get stuck with a needle to confirm we are all good and sometimes the needle stick is what may make us better. This is what Paul was saying. Not that the “all things'' would always be great. He means to be happy no matter our circumstance or perspective.
As I sit in the cancer treatment room today it is hard to see so many people suffering, going through the trials of life. You can see it on their faces and with their loved ones that are sitting by their side. Some also seem totally at peace. I said a prayer for them asking God to come close to them and wash them with His healing water and light. To give them the peace that only comes from knowing Him. For Him to come alongside them and comfort them with much endurance. I also thought that in any room with a large number of people there will be people that are saved and will be with our Lord in eternity. But I also know there are those that do not believe or know Him. This also makes me sad. This is true bad news to experience the wrath of the Lord. I prayed that through this experience and circumstance that they will come to Know Christ. And may we all do our part to share the Gospel message so He can use us to help defuse His message and way.
God is so good to us all no matter our lot or circumstances because He loved us so much that He sent His only begotten son in atonement for our sins.
Sorry for the long story. It took longer than normal at treatment today to get the mad scientist to develop my treatment recipe.
Praise God for all the blessings we have and especially for the eternal blessing we have through Christ.
Count it all Joy!
A Parable of Roux
We often have tried to get Roux to want to get up in our lap. But she doesn’t really like it. Mostly we have to pick her up and get her in our lap. We will pet her and talk to her. But that doesn’t really help much. She will quickly want to get out of our lap and jump down. But when she gets down she generally looks back at us like I know I should stay there and enjoy the couch time and petting and love but…
Then one day we were at our friend's house and they had two dogs. The dogs were getting acquainted with one another and one of them was following and smelling Roux more than she liked. She was pretty anxious. Then finally Roux snapped at the other dog and then ran over to Melinda and jumped up in the chair with her. To be honest Melinda was overjoyed and worried at the same time. Obviously this was unusually. Even though Roux didn’t like getting in the chair she remembered that is where she felt protected and loved. Thus that’s where she went.
Isn’t it interesting right? Roux didn’t want to do this and still doesn’t to this day but she has now done this a few times - jumped up in the chair with us seeking projection. Generally when she was afraid or felt in danger.
Perhaps it’s a little like how we are with our relationship with God?
We know him and love him but we don’t always want to truly get up in his lap and open arms. We want his protection but may only seek it when we are in trouble or have needs. The trouble comes and we are jumping in his protecting arms. He accepts us. He wishes we would do it more often but knows we have much to worry about and don’t always put him first.
Some dogs don’t have this problem, in fact they always want to be in the chair or in the bed lying right next to us. Perhaps we need to pay attention and hear and see? Perhaps we need to seek him more? Get closer to him and know him more. This is what he desires for us all. Not just when we are in danger or fearful. He knows it is good for us but we have to make the decision. We have to take the leap of faith to stay connected. To do things different that we know will be good for us and help us receive, hear and learn. Allowing him to love us and truly protect us. To not just want the closeness when we need protection or are scared or fearful but through all things and times. Good times and bad times. To seek him because we know it will be a blessing and a good time for us including our hearts, our souls and our minds. A glimpse of what it will be like when we see him in eternity.
May we all put him first in our life and seek him daily.
And the God of peace be with you always.
Erased but Not Forgotten
In 2020 we purchased a house in Angel Fire, NM. We loved going there and spending time. It was only 2 hours from Glorieta. By 2021 Melinda had started substitute teaching there and she was offered a teaching job in Eagles Nest but declined the job as we were not quite ready to move there full-time. Then by early 2022 we made the heartfelt decision that by summer we were going to move to Angel Fire full-time and she would start teaching in Eagles Nest and I would work remotely and travel as necessary to Glorieta.
The clock is always turning. Even though at times we wish it wouldn’t. 2022 has been an interesting year. My mother, Jeanie, passed away in February. We had our family up to snow ski in March including Greg, Laurie, Brock, and Garret, along with Cade, Melinda and me. Then we went on a wonderful RV trip to Utah with Scott and Melissa. Getting to hike in Moab, Bryce Canyon and Zion. We even did Angels Landing. I have three pairs of socks my sister gave me to commemorate the trip. But by the end of the trip I wasn’t feeling great and was slowing down and at the back of the pack on our hikes. Then in April I was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer.
Things change. Plans change. It's inevitable. It’s certainly good advice to write plans/things in pencil and not colored ink. Have a good eraser and be ready to use it. Eased but not forgotten.
By May I had started chemo. Rather than hiking and biking many miles a week I found solace in a mere walk of just 200 yards to Paul’s boat by our house. To say plans changed is an understatement. The need for breathing became more intentional - we actually do “need to breathe” and I had taken this for granted. By July we had sold our house in AF and purchased a house in Helotes, TX. Our new plan was to make things simpler and easier. Move closer to family. Get closer to sea level where the oxygen is heavier. And get to a bit warmer weather. We may have overdone (pun intended) the heat side of things with our choice of new homesites. Decomplicating our life was what we were shooting for. I was very concerned that if I had passed away during this time that I would have left Melinda with a lot of burden to bear by herself. To be clear she wouldn’t have borne by herself she is blessed with many great friends and family and certainly blessed with a wonderful relationship and knowledge of God.
Then by September we had moved, not to Angel Fire as planned but to Helotes, TX. Even then the clock didn’t stop, it kept running and continues to run even though we don’t want it to. Then ironically right before Thanksgiving of 2022, Melinda accepted her first substitute teaching job at Abbey’s (our niece) school. Which is today! Irony. Or perhaps if we take a more full look we see that it’s not irony but it’s God’s plan all along. His purposes revealed. These changes along the way are not by any means to be considered due to our sinfulness or something we didn’t do or that we did, rather the things that unfold in our life is His plan and will for us. His walk for us. He reveals Himself to us through these changes and pivots that we make to perhaps find a better closeness to one another and certainly more closeness to Him.
It reminded me of the psalmist David’s words “A man’s heart plans his way but the Lord directs his steps”, Psalm 16:9.
Don’t cower or be fearful through these times. Like Moses said to Joshua, have I not commanded you, be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid nor be dismayed. Because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9.
Our plans and goals for our family and our lives may be erased but they are not forgotten. Rather as we consider them we consider them through this new lens. This lens reflects light and not darkness. It sees good in the workings of all things because God loves us and we are His called. But we need not forget these things, these plans which have been rewritten. We adapt, we change, we turn to the Lord. We set our minds on Him. We focus not on earthly things that don't last but on His eternal things up above. We accept that our heart may want something. We acknowledge that some things we may never receive or have. Contentment. Some things may take much longer than we expected. Patience. That we may want something so much that we can’t let it go. Endurance. We can. Others can. Others have. He Can. And He did.
The prophet Daniel wanted to leave Babylon and return to Jerusalem. But he didn’t. He stayed behind in Babylon. He prayed. He prayed for the most Holy, the anointed one. He prayed for the restoration of Jerusalem until the Messiah. There was still work God had for him to do. Light still needed to be shined. The revelation of God still needed to be fully revealed.
In the garden of Gethsemane even Jesus likely felt this way. When He asked his disciples to watch and pray while he was praying and suffering through what he knew was coming. He was sorrowful even to the point of death, he even asked the Father “if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Three times he leaves and three times he returns to them each time asking them to stay awake and watch and pray. Each time he finds them sleeping. He relents. He relents from doing what I would have done and chooses to do no harm and moves forward with the plan He knows and no one else understands. God's revelation is revealed through Him who came and lived on earth as a man, He taught, He equipped, He suffered and atoned for the sins of the world, He died, He was buried, He was raised again and was seen by Peter and the 12. He is the only one that knew all of this and this was His plan and the Way that would be revealed and had been foretold. God’s plan revealed in color.
Only God knows His plan for us. He has known this since the beginning of time. The elect. The called. The chosen. Those words are difficult to grasp but as we consider His inspired words it should bring us as believers much closer to Him and the Holy Spirit and less fearful of the changes in our plans that may have been erased or had to be rewritten. Perhaps when Paul was writing while under house arrest to the Philippians and said “for me to live is Christ but to die is gain” is the mindfulness and heart-fullness we need or will help comfort us as we go about our earthly lives until He raises us with Him for eternity. Our lives are most assuredly not erased or forgotten. The changes, the pivots, the ups and the down are all part of His plan. His plan for us. His plan for everyone. He died for us! He didn’t come to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace!