A Parable of Roux

We often have tried to get Roux to want to get up in our lap.  But she doesn’t really like it.  Mostly we have to pick her up and get her in our lap.  We will pet her and talk to her.  But that doesn’t really help much.  She will quickly want to get out of our lap and jump down.  But when she gets down she generally looks back at us like I know I should stay there and enjoy the couch time and petting and love but…


Then one day we were at our friend's house and they had two dogs.  The dogs were getting acquainted with one another and one of them was following and smelling Roux more than she liked.  She was pretty anxious. Then finally Roux snapped at the other dog and then ran over to Melinda and jumped up in the chair with her.  To be honest Melinda was overjoyed and worried at the same time. Obviously this was unusually.  Even though Roux didn’t like getting in the chair she remembered that is where she felt protected and loved.  Thus that’s where she went. 


Isn’t it interesting right?  Roux didn’t want to do this and still doesn’t to this day but she has now done this a few times - jumped up in the chair with us seeking projection.  Generally when she was afraid or felt in danger.


Perhaps it’s a little like how we are with our relationship with God?


We know him and love him but we don’t always want to truly get up in his lap and open arms.  We want his protection but may only seek it when we are in trouble or have needs. The trouble comes and we are jumping in his protecting arms.  He accepts us. He wishes we would do it more often but knows we have much to worry about and don’t always put him first. 


Some dogs don’t have this problem, in fact they always want to be in the chair or in the bed lying right next to us.  Perhaps we need to pay attention and hear and see? Perhaps we need to seek him more?  Get closer to him and know him more. This is what he desires for us all. Not just when we are in danger or fearful. He knows it is good for us but we have to make the decision.  We have to take the leap of faith to stay connected. To do things different that we know will be good for us and help us receive, hear and learn.  Allowing him to love us and truly protect us.  To not just want the closeness when we need protection or are scared or fearful but through all things and times. Good times and bad times. To seek him because we know it will be a blessing and a good time for us including our hearts, our souls and our minds.  A glimpse of what it will be like when we see him in eternity. 


May we all put him first in our life and seek him daily. 


And the God of peace be with you always. 




Not Months But Years


Erased but Not Forgotten